Tuesday 21 October 2008

Learn the alphabet

Do you know the alphabet? Do you remember vowels and consonnes in the English alphabet?
The English Alphabet
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: alphabet)

Monday 20 October 2008


Learn about adjectives with a song from Grammar Rock

Mods and rockers

After watching the DVD, you have known different teen culture movements and some of you have discovered "mods" for the first time.

Here you have a video that can help you understand more about this fashion.

TC students

Teen Culture
As a teenager, you are no longer a child and you are not yet an adult.
Most teenagers like music, mobile phones, computers, films and fashionable clothes. They love hanging out with friends. These things are often called "teen culture".
People first used the word "teenager" in the 1940s. There have been teen culture movements in most decades since. Mods and rockers in the 1960s; hippies in the early 1970s. Then in 1976 punk started in Britain and became fashion on the day. And so it continues - everything lasts for a while until a new fashion takes over.
From Macmillan Secondary Course DVD 3